Prevention And Management Of pressure ulcer
The breadth of knowledge and practical skills required to significantly enhance patient outcomes are provided by our Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Management Course.
Define pressure ulcers, identify risk factors (such as immobility, inadequate nutrition, and moisture), and comprehend the stages of pressure ulcer development.
- Prevention Strategies: Stressing preventative actions such frequent shifting positions, taking good care of the skin, eating a healthy diet, and using pressure-relieving equipment like speciality mattresses.
- Assessment and Monitoring: Instruction on how to routinely examine the skin, record any changes, and spot pressure damage early on.
- Treatment and Management: Advice on how to treat pressure ulcers that are already present, including how to prevent infections, take care of wounds, and apply the right dressings.
- Communication and Collaboration: Emphasising the value of good documentation for continuing treatment, patient and family involvement, and teamwork.